The Point.1888

How The Point.1888 Makes a Success of the Life Work Balance

How The Point.1888 Makes a Success of the Life Work Balance

Our fearless leader, Will Stewart, has fought hard to build a business where all staff have the freedom and flexibility to work whenever and wherever they want, as long as we do a great job. He’s recognised that everyone’s brain is wired differently and so the most productive hours for some people may lie outside the traditional 9-5 working day. What’s more, as a parent himself, he wanted to create a working environment whereby team members with kids could have the career they were destined for and still be around for bath, bedtime and every school show.

This does require an incredible amount of trust in the team to respect the flexible working policy but it’s created a hugely powerful, collaborative and successful team. Sure, everyone does struggle with the odd wfh glitch but here’s how one member of the team, Hannah, makes the most of her day.


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1. Wake up early!!

MY ABSOLUTE NUMBER ONE! In my previous life I was commuting on the 6:14 train everyday into London from Hertfordshire – and I haven’t let this early mindset slip! Early bird truly gets the worm!

I’m my most productive from 7 am – 1pm! And I truly make the most of these brain power hours.

2. Keep hydrated

I have a BIG glass of water as soon as I wake up – hydration clears the mind ready for the day.

Then, it’s  Coffee. Black. Of course! One in the morning. One in the afternoon. Otherwise find me with a Peppermint tea on the go!

3. Create a dedicated workspace

I sit down in my spare room which has now been fully converted into my office – door shut, with the window facing our garden. Window open for fresh air throughout the day (nothing I miss less than London office air con – Hello dry skin and itchy eyes!)

4. Dress for success

I always get dressed into ‘work clothes’ ready to have a full work day. This is so key to my mindset and success.


5. List list lists

I’m known for my ‘page to a day’ diaries where I have my ‘pre-prepared’ follow up list written based on last week. It’s always there ready to go and get cracking so I can get my head down and go!

6. Give yourself little breaks

It’s so easy to miss lunch or breaks and power through for 12 hours and turn into a laptop gremlin! But on my work from home days I try to at least wander into the garden for 15 minute breaks, or head to the gym for a quick lunchtime session to re-energise my brain.

7. Tidy desk policy

Finish the day keeping it clean and organised ready for the next day.

8. Touch base with other fabulous humans!

Again so easy to power through 10 hours without a second to look up. I always prioritise just ringing around some of my team to share ideas, talk through feedback, brainstorm ideas or plan ahead our weeks!

9. Podcasts

A weird one. I like some noise bustling around me when I’m powering through – I could never be one for working in silence –  and I love nothing more than to listen to a Fearne Cotton, or Simon Sinek, or Michelle Mone YouTube or Podcast in the background on low to keep me focused!

And what’s one more piece of advice you would give?

One rule I live by. If it’s better done by tomorrow’s early fresh minded Hannah – leave it for her! It’s easy to think – I’ll just send one more email. Add one more slide to a presentation. Make one more call ….. But chances if you are an early bird like me, by the evening you’re going to be entering battery low phase and it’s better to leave some important emails or presentations to tomorrow’s battery full Hannah! So knowing when to switch off so your content is best sent for tomorrow’s Hannah!

Is there time for more learning? …. Of course … I always want to learn.

I have the Michelle Mone app on my phone which is full of fantastic business articles that I like to skim through of an evening and take note of! I love me a list or notes everywhere!

I read everything and anything I can! In free time I love to read success stories of other business people who have good strategies I can always use to improve or add to my day. I always have three books on the go – half read –  currently You do You by Sarah Knight, The Chimp Paradox and Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley!  

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