The Point.1888

A Day in the Life of… George Birtchnell

A Day in the Life of… George Birtchnell

Who doesn’t love a little peak into someone’s day to see just what they get up to. Here we welcome our very own Head of Business Development, George.

As the first employee of The Point.1888 over 4 years ago, George really has seen some changes to our business in every possible way! Sit back and enjoy learning just a little bit more about our very own fountain of knowledge.

Morning! What time do you usually wake up (or get woken!)?

6am wake up every weekday morning.

First drink of the day is?

Black coffee

By 9am what have you achieved?

Gym, Breakfast, Coffee, last nights emails and in the office.

Where do you work best?

In the office when it is nice and peaceful (who am I kidding!).

Biggest tip to aid productivity at work?

Make small lists and prioritise.  Always prioritise and when you start on a piece of work never jump to something else. It really helps with my productivity ensuring I finish the job in hand before jumping to the next.

What book are you currently reading (or Podcast!)?

Rather embarrassingly, I do not read books or listen to podcasts.  However, I gorge on video, the one video that everyone should watch before a meeting or presentation is a TED talk called “How to speak so that people want to listen

How does a typical afternoon look for you?

Ticking to do’s off my list, a big lunch and chatting with the team.

At 5pm you can be seen…..

Still in the office!

Finally what is your proudest career moment (so far)?

Helping grow the business to what it is today.  From sitting in Will’s shed to now sitting in the office with 21 people.  It’s been a hell of a journey.

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