The Point.1888

A Day in the Life of … Will Stewart

We have something new on our blog! Something you will see popping up every now and then.

We all know how good it is to have a peek into someone’s life (or house ideally) and find out some things about them that we didn’t know before! Well let us be your curtain twitcher and find out as much as we can for you from some lovely people we know.

First up let’s chat with Will Stewart, Managing Director and Founder of The Point.1888, Father of twins Ava and Harry and for those reasons he is a pretty busy guy!

Morning! What time do you usually wake up (or get woken!)?

A year ago was between 4 & 5am by Harry – this year it’s a twin wake up call at 6am – it has been a life changing moment!  I get a lie in EVERY day.

First drink of the day is?

Ristretto followed quickly by another ristretto. 

By 9am what have you achieved?

Since the twins arrived – more than I ever thought was humanly possible

Where do you work best?

Locked inside Long Point House (my home office / converted garage).  It’s my happy place.

Biggest tip to aid productivity at work?

Get on the phone and start dialling! Do not email.  NOBODY likes receiving another email, however if you are engaging, interesting and funny most will happily receive your call.  One phone call is worth 1000 emails.

What book are you currently reading?

I have twins and a company – the last book I read was years ago and I don’t remember what it was called.  

How does a typical afternoon look for you?

It’s starting to change now that I have such key people in the team but afternoons tended to be part of my mornings over the last 6 months.  I’ve previously been so engaged, excited and focused that 3pm comes at a shock most days.  Afternoons are all about energy and being aware of where you get your energy from.  I like to speak to members of my senior team in the afternoons as they have so many amazing things to update me on, it drives me towards my 5pm deadline.


At 5pm you can be seen…..

Frantically finishing work so I can pick up the kids.  Before I became a parent 5pm was treated with the same disrespect that 3pm or 4pm were used to.  Now it’s my end game and time for my brain to switch from MD to Daddy mode.  It’s hard but quite liberating to be forced to finish on time each day!

Finally what is your proudest career moment (so far)?

This is a toughie; there are so many things that I have been proud of in my career, launching Trunki, working at John Lewis, being the biggest confectionery buyer in Europe, but the proudest feeling you can get in any career is looking at the successful teams you have built.  I’m fortunate in that my favourite and current team is the third high performing, super slick team that I have built in my career so far.  Last Monday was a special day, seeing that team I have built, in action at The Point last Monday – such an incredibly talented group of professionals that I have brought together to live as a family.  Seeing that team together and seeing them grow as individuals is all the proudness I could ever dream of. 

We hope you have enjoyed this behind the scenes look at a day with MD Will. Let us know whose key hole you want us to peek in, and we will do our very best to track them down! E-mail us at or get in touch on LinkedIn.

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