The Point.1888

What does Marketing and Creative at The Point.1888 really mean?

If you are regular visitor of this blog or our social media profiles, you’ll know that we like to be different in our approach to things. We don’t follow convention and we’re trying to change the world. Perhaps that’s why in the last 2 years we’ve gone from a team made up of two men in a shed, to six people in an office, to our current status of 22 incredible legends working in a way that suits them from their home, our HQ, co-working spaces and coffee shops all over the UK.

But what are we here to do? Well we are the next generation of brand licensing. This means that we are supporting brands all over the globe in their growth. We do this is in our own way, and it’s really working.

A big change for our business this year was the addition of a designated marketing and creative division reporting directly into the MD.  Our marketing division offers an unrivalled level of expertise into one of the most important areas to enable a successful product launch. This addition was led by the ever changing and increasing demand from both retailers and consumers to know more about what they are buying. A product isn’t enough. A brand isn’t enough. Just a few weeks ago, Marketing Week  released some research stating that 35% of UK consumers say they only engage with brands they agree with ethically. So how do we tell the consumers about the brands? That’s where marketing comes in!

At The Point.1888, we want our clients to be supported in every way. With marketing being such a big part of creating, communicating and promoting products, it’s only right that licensing agencies should offer this as a core element of the service. (We just happen to be the only one that does.)

We work incredibly closely with our brands to ensure that we can be there for them to deliver exactly what they have set out to achieve. This can start with providing support on the basics such as logo creation or re-branding, as well as creating messaging and brand values. We’ll also identify and develop assets, product visuals and 3D mock ups or go the whole way and deliver full blown style guides and artwork.

Then further down the line we are right by our brands’ side to ensure that their new messaging is clear to and respected by all manufacturing and retail partners, is presented accurately in-store and a launch strategy is set. We’re ready to deliver multi-channel campaigns that end in desired results thanks to our extensive knowledge of and experience in digital marketing and PR, as well as web design, photoshoots, copywriting and print.

We are an extension to the brands we work with in whatever capacity they need us to be, and they are part of our family.

If you want to join our family or find out more about how we work, drop us an email or head over to Instagram and see what we’re up to!

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