The Point.1888

The Point.1888 has a new look

It’s been an exciting two years for our agency. We’ve experienced incredible growth both in terms of people and clients, we’ve achieved some fantastic awards, new partners, and new divisions 

and we’ve attracted international media attention for our partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service (check it out here in case you missed it).

But, for a long time, there’s been a part of our company and the way we present ourselves that hasn’t fitted with where we’re going as a business.

Come to meet with us and you’ll most likely be overwhelmed by our passion and enthusiasm when it comes to making a difference to brands. See the work that we’ve done and you’ll understand why we’re so successful and growing so quickly. Check out our social media platforms and you’ll notice that we’re a group brimming full of ideas and creativity.

But still something wasn’t right: our website.

We’re quickly growing a reputation as the next generation of brand licensing and that is down to our approach. We like to tackle things differently to our competitors but our website just did not reflect that.

That is why we’ve created a new digital home for our agency of which we’re incredibly proud.

Our new website showcases the incredible legends that make up Team.1888, which clients we work with, and what we’ve achieved for them. And perhaps most importantly, why we work the way that we do and what drives us.

After all, brand is so so important to us. It has to be if we’re going to become the best brand extension agency around. With any partnership that we create, we aim to match businesses together that share the same values, purpose and goals. Then we bring these to life in new products that appeal to audiences everywhere. Brands build connections. So how can we build a connection with you if we hide our brand away?

So, please do take a look around and don’t be shy about sharing any feedback with us. This website will continue to evolve, just as our business will. Watch this space.

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