The Point.1888

A Day in the Life… Annie Phillips

If you have visited our blog before you may recall we like to have a sneaky look behind the scenes to see just what some of our partners get up to! This week we are talking to Annie Phillips, to see just how she likes to start the day, where she is most productive and even some top tips!

Name:  Annie Phillips

Company:  Annie Phillips

Role in Business: Designer / artist

Morning! What time do you usually wake up (or get woken!)?

Around 6.30/7am

First drink of the day is?

Coffee with lots of sugar and milk

By 9am what have you achieved?

Washed, dressed and often begun designing by 8ish

Where do you work best?

In Brighton where I look at the sea while designing

Biggest tip to aid productivity at work?

Take a 30 minute break at lunch time and sometimes I use the Pomodoro work technique that uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 mins, separated by short breaks.  This technique really focuses the mind !

What book are you currently reading?

Nothing just now but currently finished ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama

How does a typical afternoon look for you?

Can be meetings, designing, telephoning, paperwork

At 5pm you can be seen…..Still at my desk !

Maybe thinking about a glass of wine 😉

Finally what is your proudest career moment (so far)?

I believe the Proudest is yet to come !!

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